We are pleased to welcome you to our website www.dermabust.fr.
These conditions of sale are concluded between:
Coderma Company
Hereinafter referred Coderma one hand
Visitors who wish to make a purchase www.dermabust.fr site or Coderma
Hereinafter referred to as "Customer" on the other hand,
These terms and conditions govern the sale of any product displayed on the website belonging www.dermabust.fr to Coderma.
Partsagree that their relations will be exclusively governed by this contract. These terms and conditions apply to the exclusion of all other conditions.
The products offered for sale on the site www.dermabust.fr may be acquired in the following countries: France, Corsica, Monaco and the overseas territories to the exclusion of all others.
Coderma reserves the droitde change at any time lesitewww.dermabust.fr these territories.
Any order duly confirmedwww.dermabust.fr site implies total acceptance and without reserve to the present general conditions of sale and, possibly, specific conditions or specific to one or more products or orders.
It is noted that the CLIENT may save or print the present general conditions of sale, terms, however, does not change.
The conditions of sale may be susceptible to changes in this caseconditions will be those in force on the site www.dermabust.fr the date of the order.
Article 1 - Purpose of the General Conditions of Sale
These conditions aim to define the mutual obligations of the parties and the various stages of the ordering process.
This contract is formed by the following contractual documents, presented in descending order:
These conditions of sale shall come into force on the date of dispatch of the order .
These conditionsof sale are concluded for a duration necessary for the provision of goods and services purchased, until the expiry of the guarantees.
Article 2 - Articles and Products
2.1 - The items listed on the site are valid for www.dermabust.fr their online presence and are available while supplies last.
Coderma does not guarantee the availability of any product for sale in a given period.
Any claim concerning the CLIENT command or the issuance of an unavailable item will be considered unfounded. In this case, Coderma agrees to prevent any emailCLIENT who have ordered an unavailable item.
2.2 - We report on our website www.dermbust.fr
to sell products with the characteristics required to comply with Article L.111-1 of the Consumer Code, which has the possibility for the potential consumer to know before taking command of the essential characteristics of the products they wish to buy.
products comply with the lawFrench legislation and standards applicable in France.
2.3 - The products offered for sale on the site www.dermabust.fr are described and presented with the greatest possible accuracy
Product illustrations to support the text does not fall within the scope of the contract .
The selection and purchase of a product are the sole responsibility of the CLIENT. Coderma not be liable for any direct or indirect damage consequently the use or conservationinappropriate products, the consumer does not comply with the instructions in the instructions for use of products purchased on the website dermabust.fr Coderma CLIENT guarantees in respect of latent defects affecting the products delivered in the context of replacement of defective products, or refund to be considered by the CLIENT as responsible for any adverse consequences that could lead to hidden defects.
Codermacan not be held liable for breach of contract in case of stock shortage or unavailability, force majeure, disruption, or partial strike of postal services and means of transport and / or communications, flood or fire. Coderma not be liable for any indirect because of this, loss of business, loss of profits, loss of chance, damage or expense that might arise fromthe purchase of products.
Hypertext links to other websites than www.demabust.fr. It disclaims any liability in the event that the content of these sites violate the laws and regulations.
Article 3 - Availability of products
3.1 - The order will be executed later within THIRTY (30) days from the day after the consumer's order was finally validated (means of payment receipt and verification procedure conducted control).
3.2 - In case of unavailability of the ordered product, the consumer will be informed immediately and will be able to cancel the order. The consumer will then have the choice ofrequesting either a refund of monies paid. The refund will be made within THIRTY (30) days before their payment. The Customer may also request an exchange of product features and price equivalent if Coderma is able to deliver to him.
3-3 - In case of impossibility of exchange, Coderma reserves the right to cancel the order and refund the CLIENT amounts that have been paid.
Information on the availability ofproducts are provided by our suppliers, the unavailability of the product does not engage the responsibility of Coderma nor any entitlement to damages for the CLIENT.
Article 4 - Price of products and shipping
4.1 - Prices are in Euros, all taxes (including taxes) and excluding postage. Prices may be changed at any time without notice, items are charged based on the rate existing at the date of registration of the order.
4.2 - The VAT is the VAT rate applicable in France at the rate applicable for the products concerned. If the VAT rate to be changed, these changes maybe reflected in the price of items without the CUSTOMER is informed in advance.
4.3 - Participation in shipping: shipping costs are listed on the site before the final validation of the order.
The shipping costs are calculated directly online and displayed immediately on the order. Shipments in Metropolitan France, Corsica, Monaco and the overseas territories.
The delivery of the ordered products is performed by SoColissimo (La Poste).
4.4- Order
4.4.1 - CUSTOMER interested in any item visible "www.dermabust.fr" follows the following steps to place an order: After clicking on the "order" then " view and set "and after checking the details of the order (quantity, price, etc.)., the CLIENT must validate the products selected by a click.
4.4.2 - Validation: CLIENT definitively and irrevocably confirm his order. Product validationeffects indicated below.
The CLIENT confirms their address, the product and the total price. It provides the number of the credit card associated with the expiration date.
It's finally valid order by clicking the "send" button. This validation is irrevocable contract parties.
4.4.3 - Order Confirmation
The contractual information will be confirmed by voice mail.
recommends that the CLIENT CODERMA keep track paperor on a reliable computer data at his command.
The Customer must confirm the completeness and adequacy of information it provides CODERMA. The latter can not be held responsible for any typing errors and the consequences in terms of delay, error or failure to deliver. In this context, all costs incurred for the return will be borne by the CLIENT.
The conclusion of a contract of sale will occurthat in the case where the CODERMA accept the command. Indeed CODERMA reserves the right not to register a payment and therefore not to confirm an order in case of information or situations not complying with these conditions.
4.4.4 - Proof of Transaction
The data recorded by CODERMA constitute proof of all transactions made by the CODERMA and CLIENTS. Data recorded by the payment system constitutes proof offinancial transactions.
Article 5 - Terms of payment
The Customer has the right to pay:
Either by credit card directly on the site "www.dermabust.fr" by completing an order form, then paying by bank card using the secure transaction Crédit Agricole.
or by check in Euros, the check must be sent with the order bung published before shipping any order.
In case of payment by check, the check must be issued bya bank domiciled in France Corsica, Monaco and the overseas territories. All orders paid by check will be processed upon receipt of payment. The periods of availability as shipping are recalculated from the date of receipt of payment.
All payments by credit card or bank checks are cashed before shipping the order.
Article 6 - Rules for the payment and the product sold
CODERMA reserves the right to suspend any order and any delivery in case of refusal of authorization of payment by credit card from the organizations officially accredited or non-payment.
CODERMA specifically reserves the right to refuse to make a delivery or to honor an order from a CUSTOMER who has not fully paid or a previous order orwith whom a payment dispute is being administered.
CODERMA retains full ownership of the goods sold until full receipt of all sums due by the Customer under its control, including fees and taxes.
The transfer of ownership of property purchased by the CLIENT CODERMA another person will not be supported by CODERMA. Only the original purchaser of this property can claim access to the clauses of these conditionsconditions of sale.
Article 7 - Secure credit card payments
To ensure the security of payments, the website "www.dermabust.fr" CODERMA uses the secure payment service e-transactions Crédit Agricole This service incorporates the standard SSL security. The confidential data (card number with 16 digits, expiration date and the CVV) are directly transmitted to the server without passing through Crédit Agricole mediaCODERMA physical server.
When the command is enabled, the request for payment is sent in real-time secure payment manager of Crédit Agricole. It sends a request for authorization to the network card. The payment manager issues an electronic certificate.
tArticle 8 - Signature and Proof
For payment by credit card on the Site "www.sermabust.fr" the electronic certificate issued by the managertelepayment serve as evidence of the amount and date of the transaction, in accordance with articles 1316 and following of the Civil Code.
In this respect, the date and time of the server are valid between the parties.
In all cases, the validation of the order is worth signature and acceptance of all transactions on the site.
tArticle 9 - Processing time of your order
Orders are processed as soon as possible by our openMonday to Friday.
After initial delivery by us, your order will be delivered within 48 to 72 hours per SoColissimo (La Poste).
These limits shall be for days, excluding postal routing problem and availability of products.
Article 10 - Time and Methods of delivery of the order
The delivery of products ordered by the CUSTOMER is performed by Colissimo (La Poste).
In case of delivery problems encountered by the carrier, or if an error in the execution of the delivery, the Customer will approach services delivery to the Post Office to resolve the issue of delivery and shall promptly notify the Company CODERMA. For the rest, the two parties willthen, within a month, to examine the impact of the event and agree the conditions under which the contract will be continued.
In the event of force majeure, neither party has failed to meet its contractual obligations, insofar as their execution is delayed, hindered or prevented by a fortuitous event or force majeure. Will be considered fortuitous event or force majeure any compelling facts or circumstances, outside parties,unpredictable, inevitable, independent of the will of the parties and can not be prevented by them, despite all efforts reasonably possible.
The party affected by such circumstances shall notify the other within ten (10) business days following the date on which it becomes aware.
Both parties will then, within a month, unless unable due to force majeure, to examine the impact of the eventand agree on the conditions under which the contract will be continued.
If the force majeure lasts for more than three (3) months, these terms may be terminated by the injured party.
Explicitly, are considered force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances beyond those usually retained by the French Jurisprudence:
blocking transport or supplies, earthquakes, fires, storms,floods, lightning
stop telecommunication networks or difficulties specific to telecommunication networks external to the CLIENT.
Article 11 - Reimbursement
The Customer has a period of seven (7) days after the delivery of his order to return products to the Company CODERMA for reimbursement without penalty except for return shipping costs borne by the CLIENT.
If the product has been received and meets the requirements for reimbursement (full product, packaged and in perfect condition for resale), the refund will be made upon receiptProduct.
Article 12 - Personal information
At the command processing, personal data are collected on the CLIENT. The CLIENT, consumer Internet, certify having read.
Pursuant to the Laws n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 and 2004-801 dated 7 August 2004, the CUSTOMER has at any time the right to access and correct the data.
Article 13 - Responsibility
For all stages of access to the site "www.dermabust.fr"consultation, fill out forms, ordering, delivery of items or any other service, CODERMA has an obligation of means.
Consequently, the responsibility CODERMA not be held liable for any inconvenience or damage arising from the use of the Internet and completely outside the diligence and precautions taken by CODERMA.
In particular, any disruption in the provision of service, external intrusion oror presence of computer viruses, can not be held liable CODERMA.
Article 14 - Election of domicile
CODERMA elects domicile at the address shown at the top of these terms and conditions of sale.
Article 15 - Intellectual Property and Competition
All elements of the site "www.dermabust.fr", "visual or underlying technology, are protected by copyright, trademarks or patents .
are the exclusive property CODERMA.
Userwho has a website personally and wishes to place, for personal use, on its website a direct link to the home page of the site "www.dermabust.fr" must first seek the CODERMA permission.
It may be in this case an implicit affiliation agreement.
In any case, any link, even tacitly authorized, must be removed at the request CODERMA.
Article 16 - Various
The language ofThese general conditions of sale is French.
Either party may initiate proceedings useful express jurisdiction is granted to the courts jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal in St Brieuc.